23 11, 2020

Physical Therapy Exercises & Stretches For Your Overall Health

November 23rd, 2020|

Importance of physical therapy exercises and stretches for a healthy lifestyle and how that will help us improve our immune system and our overall health against newly discovered diseases and viruses like COVID19! Yes, it stinks being inside all the time due to circumstances out of one’s control. But that doesn’t mean that people can’t take care of themselves. This [...]

15 10, 2020

Recover At Home With Physical Therapy

October 15th, 2020|

Whether it’s something that happened suddenly, like an accident or from something that you’ve been dealing with for a while, your doctor says that you need to go to physical therapy. Thus you go see one and go through the process of having a physical therapist examine you and come up with a plan to get you back to where [...]

18 08, 2020

Physical Therapy Treats Consequences of Sedentary Lifestyles

August 18th, 2020|

There’s no way around it. We are a lot less active as a society. In the past, people used to walk from place to place. Now they drive or even work from home or school. That means a lot more time sitting and a lot less time standing or walking around. No, a short walk to the refrigerator and back [...]

30 03, 2020

How To Stay Healthy Working At Home

March 30th, 2020|

You’re working from home. Whether you’ve been doing it for a while or just starting, more and more people are finding themselves in this scenario due to the whole COVID-19 situation. For the uninitiated, it can feel like a whole different world, especially when it comes to trying to do things like exercise and eat right. There are even some [...]

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