
6 12, 2019

Myths and Misperceptions About Physical Therapy

December 6th, 2019|

Physical therapists can do a world of good for many people. The problem is, many people don’t seek out a physical therapist when they should. They may have the wrong idea of what happens or why they would really need it. Fortunately, there are answers to these. These are some of the myths that linger about the physical therapy field [...]

22 10, 2019

Herniated Disc Treatment

October 22nd, 2019|

When one hears the term “herniated disc” or “bulging disc”, it may conjure an image of a disc like one used in the Olympics, bulging out of someone’s body. That’s not what happens when this common condition, which affects over three million people each year, occurs.  It’s when the rubbery nucleus of a disc in someone’s spine pushes out through [...]

3 09, 2019

Medical Massage a ‘Team Player’ Therapy

September 3rd, 2019|

 Massage may be regarded simply to “relieve tension” but its value in medical and therapeutic treatment may have been overlooked. Many benefits can be forwarded and argued regarding massage therapy, and these are not in question or disputed. Many have received its benefits and swear by it for a variety of uses from stress relief to relaxation. Its benefits abound. [...]

12 07, 2019

Has Your Range of Motion Been Decreased?

July 12th, 2019|

It’s always disconcerting for a person when they lose the ability to do things they once did without thinking. Formerly rote things like reaching to grab something nearby can feel impossible when one’s arm won’t straighten out. A leg may feel locked. This can throw day-to-day life into tumult. This happens to people all over the world for various reasons [...]

19 03, 2019

Preparing For Physical Therapy

March 19th, 2019|

Research is important Preparation is key, too Trust one’s instincts Injuries happen. The circumstances may vary - from doing exercises or playing sports to medical conditions to post-surgery rehabilitation. Once their doctor clears them, physical therapy is often a part of that. But it can be a daunting task to prepare for some to prepare for. How should one get [...]

21 11, 2018

Physical Therapy Vs Chiropractic

November 21st, 2018|

There are times when injuries happen - it can come right out of the blue or it can be something that’s crept up over the years and is finally making day-to-day living miserable. The question lingers though - should a person go to physical therapy or a chiropractor for their problem. Sometimes the situation is solved when they are told [...]

6 09, 2018

How exactly do you fix lower back pain?

September 6th, 2018|

Things happen as you get older - you get married, have children, and their needs tend to supersede yours - so you find yourself getting out of shape. One of the first things you feel tends to be lower back pain. So, how do you fix it? While even a young teenager can suffer with back pain, you’ll notice that [...]

21 08, 2018

Are you looking for physical therapy in Valley Stream, NY

August 21st, 2018|

You’ve been living your life in Valley Stream, New York as peacefully as you can. You work, raise your family, spend time with your friends… but you also find that as you get older, you get more prone to injuries. It may be because you’ve gained some weight. I may be because you sit for long hours at work… Spending [...]

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